Ets 2 Save Game Editor
VcZgeOIPZc/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Ets 2 Save Game Editor' title='Ets 2 Save Game Editor' />What the presidents diet says about America. Grover Cleveland suffered from obesity and gout and was treated for cancer in his jaw while in office. President Cleveland was one of the most compelling stories of concealment in the high office, said Jerrold Post, professor emeritus of psychiatry, political psychology and international affairs at George Washington University. He was brushing his teeth one day and found a lump on roof of the mouth. Instead of telling the public, he smuggled his dentist, head and neck surgeon and surgical team onto a pleasure yacht, where they removed the roof of his mouth to get rid of the carcinoma. Team Foundation Server Rapidshare Search more. Ets 2 Save Game Editor' title='Ets 2 Save Game Editor' />He emerged a week later complaining of a toothache. Do the Alien ETs make them do it When several individuals working in various parts of the Deep black or Beyond black Secret Space War program have done unexpected things like allowing an Alien ET that was in captivity escape, or have gone against existing policies, they were forgiven. Why But it is also a fact that many who tried to disclose the Secret Space War after working in these deep black and beyond black unacknowledged programs have been terminated with extreme prejudice by executive action. In these first cases the particular secret space war workers who have been exempted from serious sanction are cut some slack by their superiors for a reason. The reason is that their superiors realize that some Alien ETs that secret space war workers have contact with possess an exceptionally powerful, intrinsic ability to mind kontrol the humans they work around. The supervisory view in these cases has been the Aliens made them do it, or some equivalent. Each of these individuals who broke the rules and did something an Alien ET willed them to do that was against policy had been working in close proximity to Alien ETs, some of whom who were captured, and some of whom were working in joint technology development programs as fellow workers. In these cases, the human workers who screwed up and broke the rules were typically forgiven and allowed to presume their given assignments, albeit with closer supervision for a while. These cases were undoubtedly different than those who decided to go off the reservation outside their allowed parameters and decided to leak deep black secrets or beyond black secrets, like Phil Schneider who was murdered terminated with extreme prejudice with prejudice means that a final judgment has been made with no appeal possible, extreme means the most extreme final life ending measures are taken, which in common terms means assassination by any of over 1. The biggest secrets of the Secret Shadow Government SSG are the 1. Deep Underground Military Bases DUMBs connected by a sophisticated high speed maglev railroad system, and the huge Secret Space War programs of the US Navy and the USAF, able to penetrate deep space with crash recovered, back engineered, anti gravity craft. These Secret Shadow Government SSG programs, along with above ground secret spy operations, cost an estimated total of between 1. Trillion USD per year. Since our federal budget is about 3. Trillion USD, you can understand why the middle class is evaporating by the day, and few have any disposable income. Much of this black money is borrowed secretly and directly from the Federal Reserve System at full interest charged to We The People. This kind of asset theft and out of control spending is not sustainable and will bring complete economic collapse to the USA unless stopped soon. Hows that for completely irrational, self destructive abuse of power Perhaps those responsible that run the USG and SSG policy making boards have all been soul snatched and mind kontrolled by Alien ET entities whom they think are their friends or partners in defense of Planet Earth The SSG raises vast off the books black money through various sophisticated criminal activities, like sophisticated bust out scams e. December 1 Euro Truck Simulator 2 Update 1. Paving the way for next weeks major map expansion release, here we are with the official Update 1. Euro Truck. Price 19. IDSERP,5104. 1Euro Truck Simulator 2 UpdateEuro Truck Simulator 2 latest updates. Get behind the steering wheel of a big european truck. Reviews of outdoor and survival gear. Includes information on survival skills and techniques. Enron, insurance scams, direct Federal Reserve System deposits, bloated defense budgets for imaginary costs, massive CIA and US Military Drug Trafficking into America including cocaine from South America and opiates from Afghanistan. Those who have attempted to make major leaks to the public exposing the deep black or beyond black unacknowledged programs have typically been prevented from getting too far, and are usually murdered, often by covert means diagnosed as fake suicides or arkencides by corrupt or manipulated LE. Insiders from the Secret Space War SSW program have claimed to some of their friends that the Secret Shadow Government SSG has two deep space, anti gravity fleets one the USN, the other the USAF, sometimes in competition, sometimes working together. Claims have been made that these SSW fleets are battling certain evil groups of Alien ETs that are would attack, subdue Planet Earth through wormholes and stargates and would attack and destroy the USA and mass murder all its citizenry unless the SSG SSW fleets fought them and held them off. Toroidal wormholes, stargates in the quantum verse. The best completely vetted insiders who have spoken out on this subject are Dan Burisch, William Tompkins, and Philip Schneider. Phil Schneider was murdered for speaking out. Dan Burisch and William Tompkins have apparently been authorized to speak out by superiors. This is an indication that the policy board responsible for all Alien ET and SSW matters is split between the older members and the younger ones who favor limited disclosure. Others have come forth who have not been completely vetted, but are perhaps still telling the truth, like Mark Richards and Cory Goode at least to the best of their ability. Insider reports suggest that those serving in the USN or USAF deep space fleets have their memories wiped at the end of their service, but reports indicate that some have memories returning after a period of time. Phil Schneider claimed to have survived a deadly underground firefight at Dulce, NMYes, sometimes major credible leaks are allowed and even perhaps ordered. Certain recent major leaks have been authorized by higher ups and allowed with demarcated parameters. This is a result of a current, deep split within Majestic, the secret organization that is now much larger than the original 1. G7 nations, who share all Intel agencies and functions among each other. You might wonder, how could this be, when an absolute secrecy lock down has seemed to be in place so long The answer is that the top control group, Majestic in its current expanded international form has apparently had a deep split between its oldest members and its youngest. Latex Editor Download Windows 8 64 Bit Full Version. Rumors linked to those closely associated with some of these programs are that the younger ones want disclosure to occur. But they want it to occur in a managed, progressive roll out, such that the public can integrate the information without panicking and destroying the existing governmental, social and business institutions. Any powerful politician who is known to be completely immune from any prosecution for known serious felonies including murder, pedophilia, war crimes, crimes against humanity, treason or sedition capital crimes is likely to be a member of Majestic, or a very high secret member of the CIA, NSA, or other secret policy board with national security clearances higher than even the US President. Unless changes occur, it is impossible to take these perps down. Fortunately many are reaching old age, poor health and will die soon. Some individuals with well vetted secret backgrounds in the Secret Space War business have now come forward to disclose previously forbidden information. So now we have had several high level individuals with validated histories come forth that have made major disclosures. Three of these are major American Heroes Philip Schneider, Dan Burisch and William Tompkins. It is unlikely that Dan Burisch and William Tompkins could have disclosed unless they have been pre authorized to do so and been given a green light.